A Little Bit Challenging…


Because this morning I’m feeling a bit daring, I’ve decided that I’m going to commit to a few reading and blogging challenges this year. The original plan was to just do the Goodreads Reading Challenge and read 50 books this year, but the list of challenges has been slowly growing. Not entirely sure what I’m getting myself into, but I’ll leave the stressing for later.

reading challenges

Popsugar 2016 Reading Challenge

I attempted Popsugar’s reading challenge last year, and didn’t quite finish it. I was a bit on the fence about doing it this year, because I’m not quite sold on some of the categories (not really interested in reading a political memoir, if I’m being honest), but I decided to attempt it anyway, and see how I went.

#BustleReads Challenge 2016

This one’s a bit more challenging than the Popsugar one, but there’s some really interesting categories in this one. It’s a very good challenge if you’re looking to read more diversely in 2016. I’m not sure how I’ll go in completing it, because there’s quite a few categories that will require hunting down a book for, and if I learnt anything from last year’s Popsugar challenge, it’s that I don’t tend to remember the challenges when I’m buying books.

alphabet-20162016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge

Does what it says on the label. I’ve done something like this before on Goodreads, but figured I may as well attempt it again this year. I think this’ll be one I slowly work at over the course of the year, and then realise I’m nowhere near finished in December and curse the lack of books starting with X and Z in the title.

Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge

I used to read stacks of fantasy, but lately it seems like contemporary has overtaken as my most-read genre. For this challenge, I’m aiming to read 20 fantasy novels this year, which will be double the amount I read last year, which seemed to be the year of the contemporary novel for me. Might do a more official post and ramble about what books I’d like to read for it.


2016-discussion-challenge2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge

As the name suggests, this one is all about posting more discussions on your blog. I’m aiming for the upper end of “Creative Conversationalist”, which works out to two discussion posts a month, which feels very achievable. I have a lot of graphics for the discussion posts that I made last year that are yet to be used, so it’s time to put them to use.

booksntunesbannerBooks N’ Tunes Challenge

I’m quite taken with the idea behind this one. It combines two of my favourite things in the world – books and music. I’m going to set the conservative aim of hitting Level One with 10 items, because I haven’t really attempted matching books and music before. I am looking forward to this one though, and the chance to ramble about music AS WELL AS books.


Hopefully I’m not putting too much on my plate with this, but all of these challenges seem like a lot of fun, and I guess we’ll see how they all pan out.

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